Soul Surgery
I have often wondered how some people can just let events roll off their back and emerge mostly unaffected. My husband is like that, but I am not one of those people. It's a good thing we are balanced like that, but I am convinced I am more fortunate to have a steady person by my side than my husband is to have a bundle of emotions by his. I am profoundly affected by spoken words, good and bad, but as you can imagine, it's the bad ones that affect me more. Angry, mocking words- I feel they are hurled at me and I can never get out of their way in time to duck, and they are splattered all over me. And I can't wipe them off. They stick to me, like wood stain sticks to your fingers, and sink in, only to be removed by time. I try to not think of them, try not to rehash them, but there they remain, working their way out of my mind in their own time. I pester myself with questions, replaying what was said, as if I could change things. Was I wrong? Were my answers soft...