The School Room

I hear many moms new to home schooling ask where is the best spot to "do school" in the house and how to stock, decorate and furnish the "school" area. I tried using a spare bedroom when I just had 3 kids, and only one old enough to homeschool. But it was upstairs and away from the kitchen and laundry and I felt out of touch with the rest of my house and my duties. Later, when I had more children and no bedrooms to spare, I designated the dining room as the school room. I hung maps and a white board and time lines and we didn't even call it a dining room. But I just couldn't relax over dinner with all that stuff hanging around. I needed to decide where we would do school, but nothing seemed to suit me. And then I realized why. I had rejected the traditional model of education, but here I was trying to fit that model into my home. No wonder I couldn't relax! The school room is not a natural nor relaxing place to learn, and so my attempts seemed forced a...