Halloween or, Not

There is a lot of controversy over Halloween in the Christian culture. There is sufficient Scripture to convince me that it is something to avoid, and I feel that it treads too close to danger to risk it. Does that mean NO Christian should participate? That's not for me to say. Does it mean that Christians who do participate aren't really Christians? I don't think so, but God knows the heart. I am disheartened at this time of year, hearing Christians bash each other over it. So, what to do? Leave home and attend a party at someone else's home? That's fun. Stay home and hide behind the shades and pretend you are somewhere else? That sounds like a drag. This is what we do, and this has evolved over the years from fully participating in the day, to backing off, and ending up not participating at all. It came about after we started feeling not quite right about the celebration of death and evil, mixed in with the the cute and innocent costumes and the Harvest aspec...