Christmas Trash
I love it when Christmas falls on a Sunday. Going to church first thing in the morning, then coming home to open presents! The front page of the Sunday newspaper was mostly covered with a picture of a live Nativity scene. It was gratifying to see the birth of Christ portrayed in that manner. It was hard to miss- in your face, so to speak, and yet it was reverent and beautiful. Tucked away in the middle of the newspaper, a very small news article reported a new born baby was found in a trash can in a Wal Mart bathroom. An employee made the startling discovery- I can't imagine what that person must have felt. Panic? Wonder? Anger? A Baby. Placed lovingly in a manger by his mother. A baby. Thrown away in a trash can by his mother. The two stories seemed unrelated to me a first. Disconnected. One was so lovely. The other was so barbaric. One was a celebration. The other was never meant to be discovered. Yet, there is a connection. One so strong and obvious, I was surprised I ...