2017 Marino Christmas Letter

Christmas Greetings from the Marinos! 2017 was quite the year. God was faithful. God provided. God protected. Deborah moved out on her own in February, and graduated from Paramedic school in April. She was the only female in her class that made it through. She spent some time this summer managing and teaching Lifeguards at the local city pool, somehow while working 70+ hours a week as a paramedic. Sewing is still a passion and Deb creates such beautiful items! Lewis is a junior in college, but also pursuing a law enforcement career. You'll just have to read next year's letter to see how that all pans out. Margaret got her driver's license finally. Now she can drive herself to both choirs she sings in, swim practice, and her job. She tried out for track last year and really enjoyed that, and lettered in it as well as in swimming. She might study music next year at college. You'll have to read next year's letter for more details as well. ...