Beat Down
What do you do when you are blindsided by life? When your world is thrown into chaos and your days are filled with phone calls, appointments and putting out fires? When your heart is broken beyond belief and you simply can't focus on getting through the day? The circumstances are not relevant here- it could be anything. What is relevant is how to pick up the pieces and try to carry on as a homeschooler. Putting the kids in school would seem a good idea at this point, since you are struggling to figure out what's for dinner or how you are going to get to the store. But the more you think about it, you realize that really won't solve anything. It won't heal your heart or restore order to your life. So what do you do? You.just.stop. "Kids, we aren't going to do school for a while, and I'm not sure when we will pick back up." This has been my school year. We have gotten back into a very pared down routine, but I have witnessed the following: ...