Backyard Ball

Years ago, when all we had were small children, a backyard game of baseball was a common occurrence. Hubs would do much of the pitching when he was home in the evenings, and sometimes the kids would play during the day without him. A bare patch of grass predictably sprung up where home plate was positioned. Grass did not grow there for years. It was kind of ugly, and it was directly off the patio, so it was clearly visible at all times. I accepted this as just a part of being a parent, and looked forward to grass eventually growing in. Years went by, and baseball was not as popular with the next batch of kids as it had been with the first. The older ones had jobs and friends and activities. The grass grew back in thick and lush. The 9 year old loves ball, and hubs would take the kids to the park to hit a few. I'm not sure why the change in location; we've lived in the same house all along, and the park has always been there. But the 21 year old moved out a year ago and come...