This year I will have been married to my dearest friend for 26 years. Usually, the anniversaries that get more attention are the ones that are factors of 5's and 10's. But this one, 26, is also special to me. I have been married exactly half of my life. I'm not sure why, but it struck me as significant to have been married half of my time on this earth. And so, to mark this auspicious anniversary, I give you, in no special order, 26 items that have contributed to an enduring marriage. 1. Laugh. Laugh at yourself, with each other. Laugh at each other when appropriate. Laugh at the end of your arguments, because most of them are silly anyway. 2. Study. Study your husband. What does he like? What are his dreams? What makes him feel loved?(these must be exploited!) What are his fears and insecurities? (these must never be exploited.) 3. Cook. Cook his favorites (if his mom is still around, ask her for ideas). But cook new things for him, too. Cook nutritious, hearty f...