The two shall remain two.

Something has been bugging me for years, but only recently have I been able to put my finger on it. When my husband and I got married we were told that we were entering a one-flesh relationship; that we were two, but now one. The state granted us permission to do so and gave authority to proclaim us so to our pastor. But at the same time, the state allows the union to be undermined. Here are some examples: We must have separate library cards and some libraries won't let one of us check out materials reserved on the other's card. Privacy laws! I can't use my husband's credit card; I have to have my own. Only one of us can be the parent on our children's savings account; I cannot transact banking business on behalf of my husband (or my child) if I am not the parent named on the account. At least my husband and I are allowed to hold a joint checking account!  One of us cannot resolve issues with PayPal or utilities in the other's stead if the other is the account holder. It's hard enough to maintain this one-flesh, one-mind, one-heart relationship as it is. It's ironic that the same state that allows us to marry, either subtly thwarts it or allows it to be so.


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