Give Me This Day

     Thunder rumbles ominously this morning as I try to sort out what I am feeling. The clouds provide a perfect backdrop to the heaviness in my heart. Recent news stories of horrifying activities at an abortion clinic in Philadelphia, read about it here, bombs going off in Boston, story here, killing, maiming, terrorizing, have me wallowing in the knowledge of the sin that permeates the world. The evil in the world is so oppressive to me lately. I feel it more keenly.  Is the world changing, or am I?
     I sit here at the kitchen table, watching the storm brew; I have children to feed, laundry awaits, I need to get started on school, but none of it seems very important to me today. I want to protect my kids from the wickedness in the world, but how? How can I protect them if we all have the same sin in our own hearts? We all bear the stain of sin, we just act on it in different ways. How can I protect my kids from themselves? How can I protect myself from me?
     The birds that were singing earlier have grown silent, as the storm gets closer. The kids are trailing into the kitchen one by one, cheerfully greeting me and the new day, and all I can muster is a weak "good morning." How do I carry this weight, this sadness, around, while parenting these children? Do I tell them what is in my heart and on my mind, or do I just go through the motions, hoping the sun will come out soon? The teenagers know all about these events and are talking about it: what they have heard on the radio or read in the paper. I wonder, are they as horrified as I am, is there a cloud hanging over them as well? Do I want them to be horrified?
     It's raining now, the baby is singing and dancing around my feet, the kids are finishing breakfast, and I must get my day going. Lord, help me through this day. May I be a light to my children and my neighbors. Please comfort those in pain, or suffering loss. Not ours, but Your will be done.


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