An Ode to Summer

Summer break is here, even though summer doesn't officially start for another three weeks. The books are closed, the cabinet that stores all the school stuff is waiting to be cleaned out, the mornings are less harried and I have time to actually enjoy my coffee at leisure. My desk is clear of tests and papers waiting to be graded, and I have some much needed organizing to do. As much as I love homeschooling, I start to get summer fever in late April or early May. Summer brings a change of pace to my life just when I need it. Some home educators choose to do school all year round. There are various reasons for doing this: the kids won't get behind or forget what they learned; in "real life" there is no summer break, so why should kids get one; some kids do better with structure year round. And to that, I say: to each his own. I've realized that, while my kids are the focus of my educational attempts, as they should be, I am part of the equation as well. I need a ...