
     Three women, one girl, ten years; it won't leave my head, and I cry out to God to show His mercy on them. I don't even know how to pray for them, it's all so overwhelming and unreal, and unimaginable. Today is the first day the tears started, even though it's been all over the news all week. Many wonderful things have happened to me in the past ten years, but what happened to those women? Nothing but pain, misery, fear and death. All my petty "problems" are so puny and insignificant in comparison, yet, I know God cares for the small problems as well as the big ones. I look at my own children and see how beautiful their lives have been, and my heart starts to feel squeezed when I think of one of them being taken away from me and made a prisoner.  I try not to go there, but what mother doesn't? I can't help it, my heart is so heavy from thinking of these women and asking God "why" and "why so long" and "why, why, why?" I just do not understand this, and my younger kids have heard bits and pieces, but what do I say? I just look at them, and wonder at the gifts I have been given, and I am overcome with gratefulness, but also with a fierce willingness to die for them.
     The 16 year-old, who is pursuing a career in law enforcement, was recently at the building where the monster who committed these crimes is being held. And this is why he has chosen this path: to help people, to protect them, to hunt down and bring monsters to justice. The 10 year-old reads the newspaper and asks what kidnapping means, and I try to explain it in a way he understands, but all he can comprehend is that it is the act of stealing a person, but he (thankfully) can't grasp the reasons for it. The younger ones ask about strangers, and I give them all the tips I know to avoid dangerous situations and people. My 17 year-old is on an out of town trip with my car, and I try not to worry. And I am torn between keeping them in the safety of the house (but those poor women were held inside a house!) and letting them live their lives free of fear (but those women lived that way until they were taken prisoner!) or something in between.
     Surely it was a miracle they were found and restored to their families, but bigger miracles await them: being restored in body, mind and soul. Being able to live a normal life, to live without fear and nightmares, to be truly happy. And all the well meaning and loving doctors, family and friends can only offer a portion of the healing that God can offer. All I can do is daily lift them up to the Physician, the Healer, the Savior.  God, please help these women's families love and protect them. Please let justice be served on the guilty. Lord, hold these women tightly, carry them in the safety of the palm of Your hand. Don't let them go. Amen.

For Amanda, Gina, Michelle, and Jocelyn


  1. Beautiful, Katie. You've put into words what I've been feeling but not able to verbalize. I've been trying to process it all too - so much gratefulness and praise that they've been found - and so many questions that will likely go unanswered. I know that my Redeemer lives! And I hope they will know Him, too.


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