Marino Famiglia Natale 2020

Greetings to you all as we near the end of another year, a year much unlike other years. This will be a long letter; but you are probably locked in your house with nothing better to do anyway, so enjoy!

In January, we said goodbye to our rental property and sold it. It was our first home as a married couple, and we spent 10 years on both sides of the duplex raising our first three children. It was bittersweet and freeing at the same time. Jay was freed up to work on projects in our own home, and the sale proceeds generated cash for big projects, such as a new roof and skylights, new patio and fence! The patio was the last project of the season, and it was finished in time for us to enjoy it a bit before the cold weather set in. Because of all the work done on the house, Jay did not get to garden as usual, but next year, with a deer proof fence and no interference from projects, he should be good to go!

Early on in March, we all leisurely put together a 2000 piece puzzle of historical people from the last 2000 years. 

With the neighborhood kids home from school since last March, our kids had plenty of playmates and were able to build new relationships and deepen existing ones. As near as I can count, since they were always moving, there were about 15 kids that roamed the neighborhood regularly on bikes and on foot and were in and out of each others' yards, getting plenty of healthy sunshine, fresh air and contact with other kids! This went on into the summer and fall, as all the area pools and playgrounds and most team sports were closed. We bought an inflatable pool and the kids enjoyed it a few times with their friends, as well as the good old sprinkler. What a joy to see a bunch of neighborhood kids playing in your yard! In addition, I got to know my neighbors better, and we spent many a time visiting in our yards.

Since the libraries closed, the kids and I collected books from neighbors as well as our own supply, borrowed a library cart from a friend, and rolled it out to the end of the driveway on Tuesday mornings. Folks would come to browse, visit, pick out and drop off books. The shade of our Maple tree provided an outdoor meeting place for neighbors young and old alike.

Jay was home from work for about 5 weeks in March-April, and I kept him pretty busy, waterproofing and addressing a mold issue in the basement, creating a front patio, installing new double ovens, and making repairs. He was glad to get back to the office!

School pretty much has gone on without a hitch, as you might expect. We are old hands at educating at home, and I have spent much time helping parents who wish to pursue independent home education. It has been rewarding for me to be able to help empower parents re-imagine education for their children. Speaking of children in particular:

Jared is completing his final year, and I have really enjoyed partnering with him in his education. He was able to snag a cashier's job at a gas station a few days a week, and continues to explore creativity through digital music and art. And he eats. A lot. But to be fair, he likes to cook and bake for himself too. 

Edith received an electric guitar for her birthday and works very hard practicing and applying her knowledge of music to this endeavor. Much to my delight, she loves all kinds of Rock n Roll. She recently taught me how to play Poker, after teaching her younger siblings. 
Nathanael reads voraciously, builds large, complex Lego creations, has a quick and ready wit, and dreams of flying. He usually dashes out the door at the first sound of any aircraft flying over the house. And for those of you old enough, yes, it's like living with Radar O'Reilly.

Ellie is also an avid reader and enjoys writing stories. She is a very thoughtful and encouraging child and can easily hold her own as the youngest of 7 with a ready response to their teasing. As the youngest, she also has the advantage of all the educational and parenting mistakes that I made on all the others, so she is getting the primo mommy package.
Deb is working 3 (4?) jobs and is in school (getting pre-requisites out of the way for nursing school), but manages to find the time to work at a barn and visit us frequently for dinner and an evening of hanging out. 

12 months and at least twice as many care packages later, we welcomed Lewis home from the Middle East. He visits frequently too, for dinner and a cigar, or just pops over for an afternoon. Weather permitting, he is up for a game of baseball in the yard with his younger siblings. We are making up for a year of not seeing him!

Margie and Garret live close by and also visit often. Her support animal, Pretzel is a blessing to her; sassy and sweet and always at Margie's side.

There are very few places we can go now where masks are not required, but the local metro parks have been a great place to spend time! Jay and the kids have been exploring various parks, but the one that is practically in our backyard is one we visit regularly. In November we spent part of our 28th anniversary at the park with the kids. It's rare to have a balmy day for our anniversary!

This year has been different, for sure, but it has brought opportunities to refocus on the good things God has given us during a time when many things have been taken away. I'm thankful for Jay and my family. I'm thankful God never changes. I'm thankful for good neighbors and friends.


All of my children were under one roof for Thanksgiving! That was such good medicine for me. There was laughter, playing pool and cards, a movie and a lot of conversations. Lots of food and leftovers to send home with all the adult kids. All music to my ears and balm to my heart. And, we anticipate the same for Christmas day!


We hope you feel God's presence and love this coming year. If you are in the neighborhood, we'd love to see you and hug you and sit and visit. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

*** Pictures***  with asterisks are from the very talented Rachel from Rachel Clarke Photography.


  1. Beautiful letter, Katie. Love to you and your wonderful family and extended pets. (: Enjoy a beautiful Christmas and a safe and wonderful 2021. Love! —Stephanie

  2. Wonderful letter Katie! You have a beautiful family and I know you are proud of them! We are having another Sig Tau reunion in September 2021 at Myrtle Beach. You should try to bring the Papa Bear and the cubs.

  3. The Caraballo FamilyDecember 15, 2020 at 7:41 PM

    What a great way to showcase your beautiful family Katie! We are so grateful to have such wonderful neighbors! God bless you and your family! Have a blessed holiday season!


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