High School
High School. It happened so fast; I looked away, and then I had kids in High School. This is a point at which many home educators, for a variety of reasons, enroll their kids in a traditional school. And I considered it, too. The weight would be off my shoulders! I could concentrate on my younger kids! Think of all the money I could save on curriculum! But then I would have to accommodate an outside entity's schedule. The younger kids would no longer see their older siblings. There would be expenses with a child in school, just different ones than we were used to. So, to me, it just was not worth it. I had already invested 8 or 9 years in their education, all or most of it leading up to their final four years, and I was not willing to just hand that all over to someone else to finish. I guess I can be stubborn that way, wanting to finish what I started. And it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. As I stated in an earlier post about the middle school years by ...