Wheat and Dairy Free Brownies

If you are avoiding wheat and dairy, or if you just want a slightly more healthful brownie experience, this might help.

Combine in a food processor:
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed
3 eggs
1 cup sugar (I used half brown sugar and half sucanat)
1/2 cup coconut oil
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/3 cup cocoa powder

Process until smooth. You will have to scrape the sides and bottom of the processor to make sure the beans are all smooth. When done, add 1/3 cup chocolate chips and pulse a couple of times.

Pour into a greased 8x8 pan.

Press into the batter a handful of chocolate chips and a handful of chopped nuts.

Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.

A knife, inserted into the brownies should come out clean, but they will still feel soft. They are like the store-bought-in-a-box kind: moist and rich. The recipe said to store in the fridge, and they are good cold as well as warm. I could not tell that there was no wheat or dairy in them, nor could the kids. Enjoy!


  1. My Mom made a variation of these for lunch today. They can be quite good!

  2. For lunch? Not for dessert? She thinks like I do!


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