Rain for a Weary Soul

I can hear the ice cream truck trolling through the neighborhood. Up and down streets, the same song playing over and over, beckoning children from their play. I hear the song pause for a moment and it seems the ice cream man has some customers. Then he goes on, round and round the city.

And competing with this song are sirens. Many of them, and insistent and urgent. Fire and Police. It goes on for a while. The ice cream song wraps itself into the sirens and they become one song.

And then they are both drowned out by the rain. Pouring relentlessly. Children scurry inside and the sirens have reached their destination. I run outside to fetch a book the 5 year old left on the picnic table and get soaked.

The rain brings me peace. Peace to a soul burdened with many burdens; many that I cannot share.

There is good in this world, and there is bad. There is joy and there is sadness. And many times they are intertwined and inseparable as the ice cream truck song and the sirens. There are good days and bad days and some days are both!  And we get all tossed around and know not which way to turn and our hearts are heavy with it all.

And then the rain comes. God showers his love down on His weary children.


But He is faithful and He rains down on me just when I need Him most. Reminding me I am His.


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