The Pre-School Homeschooler
So now you are in the midst of home education and you have little ones under foot while you are trying to do school with the older ones. It's not easy. In fact, some days it seems impossible. And you are wondering how in the world can your older kids get a decent education when you have little ones to care for? It can be done, no doubt about it. This is one way it could look and there are others, I am sure. But one way some moms are dealing with this situation is to put those little ones in pre-school. It seems the perfect solution! You can get all your school work done with the older ones without all those pesky interruptions from the younger ones. Your all important school day will flow along seamlessly with the needy and messy younger ones out of the way. But is that how life really works? Is that what we home school moms are called to do? Do we put some kids out of our way so we can get done what we want to get done with the other kids? What are we saying to our ki...