Our Idols

The princes and kings roll into town
and we bend the knee and cast our crowns.
We wave our hands and cheer,
hoping that our idols can hear
over their preening and self absorption.

Bringing glitz and glamour and fame
Would we know if the real King came?
We pump our fists and put up signs
hoping that at last this will be the time
that the world takes notice of us.

The money and good times will roll
and we forget to look into our own soul.
Oh, look at us, see our town rise!
And we think we have won the prize
that will save our city and put us on the map.

What have we come to when all we have is this:
idols of talent and fame and power we long to kiss.
Bereft of the true and worthy King we deserted,
seeking the temporal in which to be comforted,
we end up with empty pockets and hearts.

Will the princes and kings and rulers, in all their glory
bring hope and healing and help to those with a sad story?
Will they look deep into our broken hearts
and give us all a brand new start,
a new birth, a new hope?

The princes and kings roll into town,
and we bend our knees and cast our crowns.
We wave our hands and cheer,
can hear...


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