Spice up Your Bedroom!

Valentine's Day is upon us and there is a flurry of talk and debate and arguing about how to spice up your love life by reading or watching explicit and pornographic materials, or by going to parties that sell sex toys and discussing details of their own marriages. My thoughts on how this day has been hijacked by folks with a preoccupation with sex are spelled out in another blog. But this rampant discussion among married women who want to liven up things in the bedroom is going about it all wrong. It assumes that if we just get the bedroom in order, our marriage will be great. But we need to make our marriage great, and then the bedroom will follow.

Women think that all their supposedly dull husbands need is to watch other people engage in intimate acts to give them some ideas. These poor wives, desperate for some attention or excitement or fulfillment resort to desperate measures by consuming pornography with their husbands. Be warned: once you view pornography as a means to enliven things or discuss intimate details with other people, all those people are in your bedroom with you and your husband.

While attention and excitement and fulfillment can be found in the bedroom, and should, they begin way before you set foot near a bed, or remove any clothes.

Want to spice things up, ladies? Why not give these things a try:

1. Respect you husband. To his face. Behind his back. In front of the kids.

2. Tell him how much you appreciate all he does for you and the kids. Tell your friends how much you appreciate all he does for you and the kids. Tell the kids, too.

3. Learn how to cook the foods that satisfy him and make plenty of it.

4. Look him in the eyes and smile at him when he leaves for work and when he comes home. Give him some affection.

5. Curtail your complaining. Stop nagging.

6. Wear clothes or scents that he likes.

7. Watch a sporting event with him once in a while, or something that he likes. Try to be interested in something he is interested in.

8. Pray for him.

9. Try to be thrifty with the money he earns.

10. Don't begrudge him his hobbies (as long as they are wholesome and do not take up excessive amounts of time or money).

Oh, were you hoping for something more explicit? Something more titillating? Something that would result in an exciting love life? Pictures, even?

Yes? Then read the list again. And again. And again. I would be willing to bet that if we wives did these and other thoughtful things, our husbands would be willing to do most anything in their power to please us.

Let's stop looking to the world, and just look at our husbands. Look at the man God gave you, and invest in him. Use your God-given imagination. The excitement and fulfillment will follow.


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