Marino Christmas 2018

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
From the Marinos!

Alas, another year has passed; we hope this finds all of you well and at peace. A few notes about the family:

Ellie, 7, is asking deep, theological and philosophical questions- usually as she is dropping off to sleep, leaving me wide awake, pondering. She rocked the missing front teeth thing with such style. She is such a sweet snuggler and keeps me feeling young-ish.

Natty, 10, swam this summer, builds extravagantly with Legos, reads voraciously, and is destined to wear a green uniform someday. He had his adenoids removed and came down with strep throat all at the same time, which meant a week of video games with his older brothers.

Edith, 13, seeks after God earnestly, quietly observes everything, swam for the summer, and delves into a wide variety of music genres. She's serious and thoughtful, and could easily cut you with her razor-sharp wit. She and Ellie have a very sweet sister bond, and I'm so grateful for that.

Jared, 15, creates and builds every spare minute, worked as a lifeguard for the summer, self-teaches and eagerly shares what he is learning, questions most things, and is swimming for the local high school, while taking a break from jujitsu.

Margaret, 18, worked as a lifeguard for the summer, is building up a babysitting business, and is hoping to attend college in the fall. She had an opportunity to sing at a friend's art gallery last spring and also sang with the Cleveland Messiah Choir. She is returning to the Western Reserve Chorale after a short hiatus.

Lewis, 21, is closer to clinching a job in law enforcement, worked at the pool as a manager for the summer, serves his country and stops by quite often to eat, play, and visit. A lot of backyard baseball games sprung up this summer and fall.


Debbie, 23, is still working as a paramedic, worked at the pool teaching lifeguards this summer (and Jared was one of her students!), sews beautiful quilts and makes sea-glass wind chimes, and visits when she can. She did some travelling this year- camping alone for a week, then off to St. Thomas for a week with friends.

Jay, ageless, is such a blessing in my life. His company was one of 7 recognized as an Elite Supplier for Lockheed Martin for 2018- out of 16,000 suppliers! I am so proud of him! His vegetable garden was a success, not just because he has a green thumb, but also because he cleverly outwitted the numerous deer in the area. 

26 years with this guy, and I love him even more.

I am soaking up the time I get to spend with my kids- I absolutely love homeschooling and getting to be with my kids as they grow up. I would have it no other way. In fact, if I had to do it all over again, I'd do it all over again.

I did manage to get them all in one place this summer, but there's always one that just won't cooperate.

May you know the Peace of God and the love of our Savior, Jesus. May you see God's grace and mercy in your lives.

~ The Marinos 


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