Merry Christmas to you all from the Marino Family! Let's get right to updates on the kids, shall we? In no particular order... Jared turned 18, graduated high school and after working his last summer as a lifeguard, secured a full time job at a locally owned service station, and bought a car! He decided a gap year would be a good idea, as he is not quite sure what he wants to do. He works a lot of overtime, creates digital music and is writing fiction. Natty turned 13, built a house in the backyard, loves creating with Legos and looking up words in an actual dictionary, and is almost as tall as I am! Did you think I was kidding about the house? He actually salvaged all the materials, even the working chimney. He is active in youth group at one church, and as a helper in children's church at another church. Margie, turned 21, and is living on her own. She is working at a daycare with 2-3 year olds and loves it. She says it is an amazing job! She is a natural with children, and...