Graduate #4

So, now I have reached a point where I have more kids done with school than kids left to graduate! Jared, my fourth child was officially graduated on 7/11.


The day promised much rain, high winds and gloom, right up until about a half hour before we began. I prepped for the worst case scenario- everyone in the garage or in the house. Honestly, though, if having a safe and dry home in which to have a large party is the worst case scenario, life is not all that bad. But God was good, and held off the bad weather!

We gave Jared his Diploma and a little speech, not too embarrassing for him, but certainly very satisfying for me!
Following is the text:


Here we are at the end of our educational journey. It has been my privilege to work with you all these

years, watching you learn and teach yourself wherever your interests turned- and they are many and

varied! It's hard for me to say which of us has learned more, benefited more, and grown more. You are

in possession of an amazing mind and equally amazing talents, and it was a challenge for me to keep

up. Really, I was just along for the ride most of the time. I am really going to miss the intense and

spirited discussions we would have right in the middle of lessons, or the razor sharp discernment you

injected into conversations over History or Bible or politics, all seemingly effortless on your part. And

your questions! How many times did I have to say to you I would have to think it over and ask Dad?

Too many!

Many of your accomplishments and successes are in spite of my efforts rather than because of them.

This diploma reflects all your work and studying, and you have truly earned it. I am so grateful to have

been a part of it. My wish for you is that you never stop learning and teaching yourself new things. My

prayer for you is that you seek God and rely on Him in all things. Son, you are wonderfully and

awesomely created in God's image- don't ever forget that. I believe that you will do some really cool

things in life and I look forward to seeing them happen.

You may not realize this, but you bring joy to many people, and I treasure that. But also know that you

bring me much joy too. I love you, son.

"Now go into the world in peace and have courage; hold onto what is good, honor all men. Strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, help the suffering, and share the gospel. Love and serve the Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit and may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and always. Amen."

* PC credit for last pic, Deb Marino

** Quote from Carlton Harris' weekly benediction


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