Torn Asunder

I've always been open and honest and factual with my 7 children about abortion. I have been as gentle as one can be describing a murder. Many of them cried when they first learned what it was; some stared at me in dumb disbelief. 

It's a hot topic in May of 2022, hotter than usual. So, I explained what the debate currently raging is about- the possibility SCOTUS might overturn Roe V Wade. Of course, I had to delve into what the proper roles of the 3 branches of our government are- something many seem to be woefully unaware of. 

At any rate, I fielded a question from the 13 year old that none of my other kids had asked at such a young age: "How do abortions work, exactly? How to they get the baby out?"

I tried to tell him as tenderly as I could that a vacuum tube is placed in the uterus and the baby is torn into pieces so it can be sucked out. I left out the part about what they do to the bigger babies. His eyes got a strange look in them, one I had never seen before. A look of horror? shock? sorry he had asked?

But then the 10 year old, said: "I always thought they gave it a shot to put it to sleep first, you know, like we do for dogs."

No baby, they rip it apart and suck it out while it is still alive. We treat animals better, and a 10 year old can see it. 

Like we do for dogs. 

What we do unto the least of  us, we do unto Jesus.

I always see comments from people who claim to be pro life for themselves, but support choice, that it should  be up to the woman. I never see comments from women who say that they had an abortion and it was great and not a big deal at all. Because they know. I am sure there are some women out there like that, but I rarely hear of them. 

I hear that it is a personal and painful choice; but if it isn't a human, then what is the big deal? Why would it be a difficult choice if it is not a person? They know too.

Like we do for dogs.

From a few years, and a few million babies ago-

58 million smiles
That never made someone laugh,
58 million pairs of hands 
That never got to clap.

58 million pairs of feet
That never got to run,
58 million pairs of eyes
That never saw the sun.

58 million beautiful faces
And no two were alike,
58 million pairs of legs 
That never pedaled a bike.

58 million cries
That were never soothed by a hug,
58 million graves
That never will be dug.

58 million mouths
That never squealed with glee,
58 million voices
That never said "Mommy, Look at me!"

58 million minds
Never taught to read,
58 million people
We thought we didn't need.

58 million cheeks
That never got kissed,
58 million names
Is too many to list.

58 million hearts
Never allowed to love,
58 million souls
That rest in Heaven above.

~In memory of the millions of Americans that have perished in the womb.


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