Stay-at-Home Mission
My home schooling journey started 13 years ago when I sat my then 5 year-old down to start kindergarten. It was a really easy decision to make. Home schooling was and is still counter-cultural and against the norm. It's even kind of rebellious! Growing up, I looked for ways to go against the grain and question why we do the things we do. So, it seemed a perfect fit for me. I am often asked why I home school, and I think that most people are asking about the educational aspect of it. Not only getting a chance to challenge the the status quo, but also giving my children a solid education were certainly the foremost reasons for homeschooling in those early years, since we could not afford private or religious schools, and I was fairly sure I could do a better job than any public school. So, armed with workbooks, colorful posters, a desk, lots of pencils, and a copy of "What Your Kindergartner Needs to Know," I launched my homeschooling...