Kid View

Funny how kids view things that we adults think to be too complicated for them. We adults muddle and confound things by placing conditions on circumstances; we like to split hairs. I was explaining to the younger kids what abortion is, since I was sure it would be central to the message in church on Sunday, and I wanted them to have an inkling of what was being presented. And our pastor did not disappoint; he was clear and Biblical.  I tried to keep it basic and simple: when a pregnant woman decides she does not want her unborn baby, she can have someone kill it for her before it's born.  They were shocked and puzzled (what kid wouldn't be!) over a few things. First, they could not understand why a woman would want to kill her baby. Why would someone want to kill any baby? Second, they were incredulous that abortion is legal.  But Mom, isn't killing wrong?  And third, they wondered why today is called the 40th anniversary of this issue. Aren't anniversaries for happy times? Sure, sometimes we (adults) mark the anniversary of someone's death or a tragic event, but kids tend to think of them as happy times. Good, thoughtful, but simple questions. And, simply, it's an issue of selfishness and sin. Kids can help us see that, sometimes, things are not so complicated after all.


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