Awww, Fudge!

We love fudge at our house, and when we need, er, want some, we can whip some up in no time. This recipe is so easy, a child can do it, so I enlisted the aid of several willing children today.  I needed some fudge!
First, you need a pan, one about this size:

Next, open a can of condensed milk.

Then, measure out about 2 cups of chocolate chips.

I said add a pinch of salt, not you brother's cheek!

Stir over low-ish heat until the chips are melted.

At this point, you can add some chopped nuts, but I decided there were enough nuts in my kitchen today. Now, stir in a teaspoon of vanilla. Drinking the vanilla is not recommended.

Pour into an 8" square pan lined with lightly greased foil or parchment paper and put in the fridge to cool and harden.

Clean up is a snap!

In a few hours, you can take it out of the fridge and cut it up and serve. Or you can just send the kids outside, lock the door, and eat it out of the pan.  I cut mine up. This time.

There, now wasn't that easy?


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