Since We Said Goodbye

Since we said goodbye
my heart keeps sinking, sinking.
I know it's a short time, 
but I feel like I am falling, falling
off a cliff.
I keep hearing your voice, your footstep, 
but I am imagining, imagining.
How could someone so quiet 
leave such silence behind?
Part of me is gone, 
but it's hard, it's hard
to tell what part.
I keep breathing, breathing
to keep from stumbling
over my heart.
The time passes
slowly, then quickly, slowly,
but not steadily.
Since we said goodbye,
I have been thinking, thinking
of how we intertwine
in each others' lives.
I keep seeing your face, your eyes
when my eyes are closing, closing
to sleep.
How can a few miles 
leave such silence behind?
Part of you is here, here
with me, in me, and I can't tell where it hurts.
I keep whispering, whispering
to myself
that you will be home soon.
The day passes
but I don't perceive,
it makes little sense.
Since we said goodbye,
I am missing, missing


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