The Old Crib

I took the crib down the other day, as I have done over the past several years. And every time I do there are one or two little children around to "help" and I tell them about all the babies who used that crib. You see, not only have all 7 of my babies slept in the crib, but so did their daddy and all his brothers and his sister. And each time I tell this story, their eyes get wide and they remark how incredibly old the crib must be! Every time I have taken down that crib, I am sad, but always hopeful for another baby to put in it. But, let's face it, I am getting on in years, at least pretty old to be having babies, anyway. So this time was a little different. I thought about it for a couple of weeks or more, toying with the idea. I could use more space in the little kids' room, and the baby is old enough to sleep in a real bed, I reasoned. I know that the crib is really just wood and metal, but it is so dear to me. So I held off, enjoying putting my little one down for a nap or to bed for the night in the crib, as I have done a thousand times before. But it was time. She was ready, and has been a little angel about sleeping on the crib mattress; so not all of the crib is put away.  I was surprised by the mixture of feelings I felt as piece by piece the crib disappeared into the attic, no longer a bed for a dear baby, but just pieces. I felt an assurance that God knows how many more children will sleep there (grandchildren!), a sadness because of the quick passage of time, and a wild sort of freedom. God has been so good to me, giving me many children, and as much as I would love to have many more, I am content with whatever God wants to do. So, I still tuck my baby in bed for naps and at bed time, singing her the same songs I have been singing to my babies for years, cherishing it each time. I hear so many moms say how glad they are to put all traces of babies away and move on with their lives, to trade in the diaper bag for a nice purse, but not this mom. This mom knows how fleeting this stage of life is is and how once it's over, it can never be recaptured. This mom is in no hurry to get on with her life, because she is living it now.


  1. Beautiful Katie, I read of your family in the CCDS magazine and was edified by your life. I was class of 82 and we homeschooled as well. Praise The Lord for what he has done in your life! Just wanted to send some encouragement from another Country Day graduate.
    Sammy Koenigsberg


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