Christmas 2014


Well, here we are, wrapping up another year in the Marino Household. A quick update on the kids (OK, there are 7 of them, so maybe not so quick). We did manage to get them to all look at the camera, so that's something.

Jared, 11, is still drawing. A lot. He has also taken up writing stories to the delight of his younger siblings. He can make anything he wants out of anything he can find lying around the house. An engineer in the making.  Imaginative, creative, cheerful, day dreamer.

Natty, 6, keeps us laughing and well stocked with hugs and snuggles. He is just starting to learn to read and loves fractions, but other than that, he is pretty busy fighting dragons and monsters, building space ships with Legos, and enjoying his childhood. Brave, funny, loving, mischievous.

Ellie, 3, is growing up too quickly but not so much that she can't indulge in reading stories with mom under a blanket. She is becoming quite independent, especially at applying her mother's make-up. Sweet, sassy, happy, snugly.

Edie, 9, is starting her journey with braces, loves to read and draw, and is doing great in school. I think she could run the house for me, if need be. Intelligent, talented, disciplined, helpful.

Needless to say, there are no dragons or monsters or orcs or any such creature that dare to enter our realm with these rascals keeping guard. And all princesses and damsels are safe once they enter our keep.

Debbie, 19 is on target to finish her associate's degree and her EMT certification in the spring. Last summer she attained her certification to teach life guarding and taught a class at the local pool. She was recently offered a contract for the rest of the school year at the performing arts academy where she is wardrobe manager. She also manages to squeeze in time at the barn, and take pictures. Diligent, hard-working, creative, renaissance woman.

Lewis, 18, is finishing up his senior year, swimming on swim team and active in the Explorers unit where he recently made Sergeant. He spent a week in June at Buckeye Boys State where he served and trained with the Ohio State Troopers. He works part time at the YMCA guarding and instructing a special needs swim class. Serious, deep thinker, gentle, honorable.

Margaret, 14, is also on swim team, and sings with the Western Reserve Chorale. Well, she sings almost everywhere, any time. She loves photography, and is an avid reader. She is doing very well in school, and is working on a short novel. Musical, intense, passionate, deep feeler.

Jay and I celebrated 22 years of marriage this November. The man is like a fine wine, I must say. It's been a good year, even when it was rough. God is faithful.

May the Lord bless you this Christmas season and though the year. May He make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace. May the true meaning of Christmas abide in your hearts.

With Love,

Jay, Katie, Deborah, Lewis, Margaret, Jared, Edith, Nathanael and Eleanor

#1, 5, 7, 8, 9

# 2, 4 Deborah Marino

# 3, 6 Me

# 7 Margaret Marino


  1. So beautiful. Much love to all of you.

  2. we love you all! such beautiful faces, too. thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Thanks for the was good to "see" everyone :-) Hope you all have a blessed Christmas!


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