
     I never make New Year's resolutions; I never gave them much thought.  I have always figured they were for people with a lot of will power and ambition, things I do not have in great supply. Instead of being addicted to exercise, I'm addicted to chocolate.  I'm not very good at saving money, nor am I overly organized. I don't read enough books or play enough games with the kids. I don't have time to take up a new hobby like knitting or ice skating, mostly because I'm too busy eating chocolate in my unorganized house, not playing with my kids.  Ugh.  There are so many potential resolutions to be made in my life!
      But something has been rattling around in my head lately, something nudging me.  Maybe there is something to making resolutions- something about being resolved on a course of action. And, while running 2 miles a day, swearing off sugar, organizing my house while learning how to knit AND having loads of time for my kids all sound great, I think there may be something bigger or better I could resolve to do.  I recently heard a radio preacher talking about Ephesians 4:31-32: "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." His point was that this whole passage would make a great New Year's resolution.  I was overwhelmed by the long list- there's just too much here for me to ever accomplish!  And yet, here was that something put into words for me, that something tugging at my soul.
     So many times, I see people's well-intentioned lists of resolutions, and they announce they will be making lots of changes for the better.  They do this without acknowledging that they can't do it alone, without recognizing that they need help.  I read those lists and shake my head in wonder that anyone could be so ambitious; since, of course, I am not the ambitious type.  Don't get me wrong- I admire ambition in other people, and sometimes I wish I had just a bit.  But if I were the type to make New Year's resolutions, I would be afraid to make a long list and put it somewhere for all to see.  I'm just not that brave, nor do I have that much confidence in myself.  Plus, when I fail, and I will, everyone will know it!  That's not to say I don't think I need to be accountable to anyone.  I should be, and I am.  But, to me, resolutions just seem more of a personal thing.
     But back to the list.  Any one of those things would be a great thing to try.  However, instead of choosing one or two items and trying to implement them in my life, and  oh-and-by-the-way, calling on God to help me, I think I'm going to do the opposite.  I'm going to ask God to show me which of those things need to be worked on the most.  Of course, He could pick any one of them, or most likely all!  And then see what happens. Maybe, just for a day, I could be compassionate instead of unfeeling.  Or, for one hour, maybe I could get rid of anger and take on peace.  And perhaps, for a moment, I might choose not to slander someone and instead say something kind, or nothing at all. So, if you were hoping for an inspiring list of resolutions, I'll have to disappoint you (or maybe, like me, you are relieved).  Quietly resolving to see what God has in mind for me: I like the sound of that.


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