My Refuge

     I'm walking through a valley right now, walking through it next to my husband. His baby brother's life has hung in the balance for almost a week now. It's so hard for me to watch my man go through this nightmare. I stand by, looking on helplessly, wanting to take some of the pain and worry away, praying for a miracle, that his brother would recover and live life once again. But there's nothing I can do, but wait and watch, look for small ways I can help him, pray for him. All I can do is walk along beside him, try to keep life normal, organized. He may have difficult decisions to make, and I pray that I can help him think clearly and have courage.
     During times like these, especially, I am so aware of how we are all hanging by a thread, of how God is the One who gives us our very breath, our heartbeats, our lives. When all is going well in my life, I am so prone to forget this, and sail through my days breezily. But, now, the days are heavy with dread and anticipation. When the phone rings, will it be bad news? I find myself praying all day, while I am brushing my teeth, making lunch, driving the car, holding the baby. And God wants us to pray ceaselessly, in good times and bad, but I am so convicted right now of my failure to do so during the good times.
     What gives me peace and hope is the knowledge that my God is sovereign, He knows every detail of this situation, and that He cares deeply for my brother-in law, who, like all of us, is made in His image.

Psalm 46:2-3

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling."

May God be your refuge today and always.


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