A Summer Day

It's been 12 days since I hurt my back (again). Days of steroids, pain killers and muscle relaxers, and not being able to anything but pace the house or lie flat on my back (no sitting allowed!). I confess, I gave into feelings of despair, and uselessness. I had gobs of energy (except for that back pain) but no way to use it. Sigh. I am not a very patient person, and from time to time my back forces me into inactivity. Thankfully, my back has started to heal and I felt well enough to enjoy a lovely summer day with my family. Yesterday was a perfect day: sunshine and breezes and a walk to the creek. Jay was able to get home early enough to take us to the pool for an after dinner swim. I was not up to getting in the water, but thoroughly enjoyed watching the kids play with their dad, while I chatted with my two oldest kids who were working at the pool last night. And I realized that we were all together, in the same place. Those days are few now, but when they do happen, I am thankful. Jay and I then took the kids out for ice cream while my two older ones stayed to close up the pool. Everyone got a  kiddie cone, and the baby figured the best way to eat an ice cream cone was to shove the whole thing in her face. It was precious. So, we got home the same time the older kids did, and we popped popcorn and watched The Avengers, and went to bed way too late. But it was worth it. I really needed a day like that- to feel like I am a part of things, and not just watching (or listening) to the world go by without me. It was a great day. Thank you, Lord.


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