A Week Alone

A whole week all to myself. It passed much more quickly than I expected. Some reflections:

Oddly, when the house was empty, I found it a bit harder to breathe than when it's full.

I could hear the mantle clock ticking and chiming, the dog snoring, birds singing and cars from far away. I could even hear myself think.

As much as I enjoy the hustle and noise of 7 kids, I really enjoy quiet surroundings.

I have more friends than I realized; I spent time with several of them over a meal or on the phone.

I love my house, but with everyone gone, that's all it is. Home really is where the heart is, and mine was with my husband and kids all week.

Reading C.S. Lewis' The Abolition of Man was easier to understand without interruptions or any responsibilities distracting me.

Not being touched or hugged for a week felt weird. It made me wonder how many people in this world go through much of their lives without touching or being touched.

It was fun to be able to come and go as I pleased, and to eat whatever and whenever I wanted, but I much prefer to be surrounded with family.

Eating alone, I eat way less than usual. Good for my waistline, not as good for nourishment.

My husband took all 7 kids camping, by himself, cheerfully and willingly. His absence made me so thankful for his presence.

The world has much to offer, but I am content with my calling as a child of God and as a wife and mom.

I am content.


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