Fall Walk

I've been taking my kids for walks for years now, and I never tire of it. We've walked through neighborhoods and parks and stopped at numerous playgrounds. I listen to them talk as I take in the fresh air and scenery. "Mommy, can I have a doughnut for dessert after lunch?"  "Mom, I want to be an engineer or an artist or a photographer when I grow up."  "Mommy, look at these cool acorns!" "Mama, wait for me!" Their words and questions, mingle with the breezes and sounds of birds and cars and lawnmowers. They collect sticks and leaves, feathers and nuts and pine cones: treasures, all. I'm always refreshed after these outings; it's really hard to get frustrated or feel overwhelmed during these walks. No one ever comes back to the house grumpy. They flock around me, run ahead, wait for me to catch up.  I reach my hand out, and without fail, a small hand slips into mine.

Today was such a day, one of many, but too few left.

Yes, too few of these days are left. Thank you Lord for giving me these precious times.


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