Room Full of Treasure

     About 7 months ago, we decided that our three teenagers needed their own rooms. With only 4 bedrooms, though, we had to get creative. The 18 year-old and the 13 year-old have their own bedrooms upstairs, and the 16 year-old has a man cave in the basement. That left one room for the younger 4 kids. Thankfully, I have several sets of bunk beds!
     I like to go in their room and just sit with them while they play. Sometimes, I'm with just the baby, playing dollies or horses, or reading to her before bedtime. Or, other times, I am with the 4 year-old playing soldiers or pirates. The 8 year-old likes to do hair and organize the room and the 10 year-old likes to draw or read or play with his 4 year-old brother. Sometimes they are all together. Sometimes it's quiet, but sometimes it gets rowdy: pillow fights and toys thrown at the whirling ceiling fan to see where they land, and bunk beds turned into sailing ships or forts.  At night, they like to listen to Greek myths on a tape recorder, or tell their own made-up stories; and there is always laughter and thumping, and occasionally tears as they settle down for the night. After they are all asleep, I like to go in and check on them and tuck them in and whisper in their ears that I love them. I desperately want these days to never end; I want to freeze time so that I will never forget these sweet moments.  I look around at all the sleeping faces, and I am always struck by how wealthy I am. Not wealthy in money, but in children: healthy, strong, intelligent children. Wealthy not in earthly treasures, but eternal ones. Wealthy in love and joy, and, yes, trials and challenges. Raising 7 kids is no easy task, but even on the rough days, I know I am wealthy and blessed and want for no worldly thing.
     Sometimes this room is a wreck, but today, they cleaned it up and were playing quietly. What a nice gift!  Lord, help me to treasure these children and not forget these days.


  1. Love, love, love this....and try not to worry, will NEVER forget these days. Promise.


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