A Trip to a Farm

My husband and I recently had the pleasure of touring a family owned organic farm. The day was sunny and warm and the bees were buzzing happily. We spent some time just sitting and visiting. Children were playing in the pond and roaming the land, enjoying their Saturday afternoon. The baby chickens were squeaking and chirping and the hen protested loudly for several minutes after the farmer took the eggs she was sitting on. Feral pigs saw us coming and snorted and grunted and ran off into the woods.

And the vegetables! So much growing in the greenhouses and out in the gardens, so much to harvest already and much more to come as the weather heats up. Surrounded by many acres of land and forest and lovely old oaks that welcomed us with open arms as we drove up the driveway, the farm was a peaceful place. I felt my spirit grow quiet and still.

But even more peaceful and restful, were the farmer and his wife. Yes, restful, even though we all know that farming families don't get much rest. My husband was struck by the orderliness and efficiency and organization of the operation. The techniques and tools and the lay-out made sense to his engineering mind. We were both blessed to hear the love the farmer and his wife have for God and for their family and for their land. How they want to glorify God in working the land and raising their children. How they have a vision for the future of the farm, and how God is leading them.

We have become so far removed from the source of our food, and most of us eat factory farmed animals and produce. But spend some time with a farmer. Let him tell you and show you about his work and his land. Watch him sift the dirt through his hands. See how he looks out over his land with a mixture of pride and gratefulness to the One who has provided him with all he needs. See how he pours his life into his work to bring forth the best God's good earth has to offer. And behind the farmer is his wife and family who work along side him, doing whatever needs to be done, supporting him.

I am so thankful that this hard working couple took precious time out of their busy day to show us around. To let us see how they operate their business, and offering us quiet in an otherwise busy and bustling weekend. To show us a glimpse of what kind of work it takes to run a farm and raise kids and seek God in all they do. We said our goodbye's and thank-you's and got in the car, and the farmer and his wife walked up to the house, hand in hand, ready for another day on the farm.


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