22 Years

22 years with this man.

Dependable, quiet, kind, generous, gentle, hard working, faithful. I could go on, but you get the idea.

22 years of growing and learning, of raising kids and doing the mundane.

I have had his unfailing support in our home education journey. He cleans up when the kids throw up or the dog messes in the house. He fixes things. He has seen me at my absolute worst countless times, yet still loves me. Every morning and every evening, he says goodbye and greets me with a hug and a kiss. No matter what I look like. He can still make my heart skip a beat.

The knitting together of two lives is mysterious. How does it work? What makes it last? Why did he choose to love me? What exactly is it that binds us so tightly together?

I am stubbornly, unequivocally, get-out-of-my-way committed to this man. He is just stuck with me and that's that. And I think he feels the same about me.

Here's to 22 years of marriage. Thank you, Lord, for this man.

Photography http://www.rachelclarkephotography.com/family/


  1. Beautiful, Katie. Read this through tears in my eyes. Thankful for the both of you, and for the Lord's work in and through you. What a wonderful testimony to commitment. Love you!


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