Sane Thanksgiving

Ahh, the week of Thanksgiving. I look forward to the feast we will have this week, as I do every year. While folks are panicking, I am relaxed. Why? Because I do a little bit every day to avoid last minute running around.

First things first: there is NO school this week! We all take a break and help prepare for the big meal on Thursday. Secondly, I plan very easy dinners this week, or use leftovers.

1. By the Monday of Thanksgiving week, my shopping is done, so no last minute trips to the grocery store. If I need bread to make my stuffing, this is the day I will bake bread. I make enough so there is enough left over for toast and sandwiches, too. I also make my pie crusts. I do not roll them out, but I flatten them a bit and store them in a stack with parchment paper or plastic wrap in between each crust, then cover with plastic wrap, and put in the fridge. I wipe out my oven thoroughly so we don't have to smell something burning all day while the turkey cooks. I put the frozen turkey in the fridge to begin thawing.

2. On Tuesday, I mix together my pie fillings and store in air tight containers. I also make my cranberry relish and store it in an airtight container as well. The potatoes get peeled and stored in a container of water with a lid, and put in the fridge. I also give my house a go-over as far as cleaning goes. Nothing too major, but I make it look presentable. If the chandelier in the dining room needs cleaning, I do that, too. I throw in some laundry while I'm at it.

3. On Wednesday, things get serious. I bake my pies, make the stuffing and make mashed potatoes. The stuffing gets covered and put in the cold garage because my extra fridge is getting full. The pies and potatoes go in the fridge. I whip up a batch of cinnamon rolls for tomorrow's breakfast. And most importantly, I order take-out for dinner.

4. Thursday morning, my husband stuffs the turkey, pops it in the oven and makes a butter/water basting mixture. Then he makes a fire and we sit around playing games and reading or watching a movie. When the turkey is done, my husband takes out the stuffing and I make gravy and fry up green beans. Dinner is served whenever it's ready, and I am not worn out from doing too much in one day!


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