Pot Roast

Pot Roast. I know, it's a simple thing, and hardly worth writing about. But recently, while making up my menu for the week, I found an easy recipe. But there was one problem; there was a mistake or a typo, and the instructions were confusing. So I pondered it for a bit, trying to figure out what the author meant, and decided to wing it. So this is my version (interpretation?) of a recipe found in House Specialties Encore, a lovely cook book.

Put 3 tablespoons of flour,1/4 teaspoon black pepper and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a ziploc bag. Add the roast and coat it with the flour mixture. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a dutch oven, and add the pot roast. Brown well on both sides.

Here, I must make a note that not all dutch ovens, nor cookware for that matter are all the same. Cast iron is my favorite cooking vessel, and while other types will work, cast iron always adds such a wonderful flavor to food. I used my cast iron dutch oven for this roast.

While the roast is browning, mix 1 cup hot water, 2-3 teaspoons bullion of your choice (I used Better than Bullion's vegetable), 2 bay leaves, 1/2 teaspoon EACH, marjoram, basil, garlic powder and parsley. Pour over the pot roast, cover and cook on med low for about an hour.

This is a great time to tidy up the kitchen and sit down to nurse a baby or snuggle a toddler and read stories.

After an hour, put the roast in the oven and bake for 3 hours at 325, still covered.

Slice the roast, and place back into the pot in the thick broth. Make sure you drizzle the broth over the meat when you dish it up.

Now, you could throw in some vegetables about an hour before you want to eat, but I was tired of potatoes, and decided to mix some frozen veggies into some rice and serve that instead. Yams would have been nice, too. Oh, and don't forget the horseradish.

I cut up some cantaloupe and it was a meal!

This was, by far, the best pot roast I have ever tasted. It was a savory, melt-in-your-mouth, comfort food kind of roast. One of the kids said I could make it every night! Maybe not that frequently, but this will appear on the dinner table in our house soon and often.


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