Mother's Day Musings 2016

Mothers's Day is hard for me, but not for the usual reasons. I just have trouble accepting any honor or credit for my mothering. I've messed up big time on more than one occasion; I have found myself doing and saying the very things I swore I would never do or say; I just don't feel worthy of the accolades and flowers, however much I like having them.

And that's the struggle for me: the handmade cards, flowers, special meals and well wishes all feel good and at the same time point out to me my horrible failures.

I look at my kids and see all the good things that they are and do, and I say to myself "How did that happen? How did they learn that? It surely wasn't something I did!" I look at their struggles and shortcomings and I say to myself "That's my fault. I did this, and I can't undo it. I hope they can forgive me and overcome it."

Mother's Day for me is part beating myself up for the job I've done, and part being in awe of these incredible people that God gave me to mother and raise. I try to reflect on the latter.

And they are the best bunch of kids a mom could ask for.

This woman is so strong and brave and hard working! She spent years being my right arm through some pretty tough times.

And this guy, is so mature for his age, it's like living with a 30 year old. Honestly, how are these two oldest kids so grown up?

This lady pushes herself mentally and physically to her limits, and she will slay you with her razor sharp wit before you realize what happened.

This one has artistic talents that are out of this world, and a mind that never stops creating.

And this sweet girl has an extremely dry sense of humor for one so young, and shames me with her organization skills.

This little fellow gets along with everyone he meets and ALWAYS has a hug for me. 

And here is my shadow. She is by my side most of the day, and keeps me company. She is always game to snuggle or just be with me.

I think Mother's Day should be a day of thanking God my kids have survived my parenting, and thanking my kids for putting up with me. 


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