Baby Robins

This spring, we were delighted to have a nest-full of robins right off our little back door deck.

Cuteness abounded.

The kids watched and guarded against predators and I established a rapport with the mother, who, in time, let me get quite close to her and her babies with little or no fuss.

Daily pictures showed the kids how quickly they were growing!

We marveled at how they all fit in the nest, especially with their mother sitting on them at night.You can tell the birth order just by the above picture: The oldest is giving me the stink eye, the middle one is trying to get all the attention, and the youngest is chilled out.

Then, almost two weeks later, they hopped out and the flying lessons began! And that was that.
We grew to love that little family and we were a bit sad when they left. I had gotten used to greeting them each morning before my breakfast. But who  knows? Maybe one of them will return to raise a new generation of robins next spring!


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