Appliances Gone Rogue

The other day I decided to bake some muffins. Innocent enough, right? But things turned sinister when my oven went terrorist on me and decided to hold my muffins hostage by locking the door. Fortunately, my son and I outsmarted the oven by shutting the electrical supply off, saving my muffins from being burned to a crisp. I'm baking again today and will keep a sharp eye on that oven, you can be sure. On Mother's Day, my refrigerator, which had been emitting a strange odor for 2 days, started smoking. As in fire, not cigarettes. I considered calling the Fire Department, but unplugged the burning refrigerator instead.  A beautiful new one was delivered yesterday.  Now I'm hoping that the oven and the microwave become sentient, arm themselves and duke it out so I can get new ones. I'm thinking stainless steel would look good. I wonder if my homeowner's insurance would pay for that?


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