Turtle Crossing

Reading the newspaper can be so depressing. The Police Blotter is full of stories of folks who get themselves into all kinds of trouble. The editorials are full of angry letters. The news stories are often full of gloom and doom. Give me the comics and the crossword puzzle, please!  But this week's Police Blotter had a couple of heartwarming stories. A snapping turtle bravely tried to cross County Line Road in Gates Mills, causing a traffic hazard. The police saved the turtle from becoming road kill, and order was restored to the community. A day earlier, a woman reported strange noises in her house and called the police. Much to everyone's relief, it was just a bird, which was removed from the house and returned to safety. And that's that! No drug deals, no drunk drivers (although the turtle was reportedly weaving while trying to cross), no one was hurt, and it all ended happily. Furthermore, the only other two incidents mentioned in Gates Mills were a barking dog and someone speeding (not the turtle). I know that the world is full of tragedy and sadness, but this one little section of the paper lifted my spirits. I hope it lifted yours.


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