Perfect Time to Plant a Tree

Someone once told me that the best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago (or maybe it was 20). And today, I realized how true this is. A little over 10 years ago, we moved into our present house. We had three little children and one on the way. But there were no suitable climbing trees in the yard. So, one of the first things I had Jay do was plant a maple tree in the front yard, and one in the back. The one in the back yard has not done as well as the one in the front, although we did have birds nesting in it for the first time last spring. But the one in the front yard has flourished, and is now big enough for that little baby I was pregnant with years ago to climb it! Today he's climbing a tree, but in the blink of an eye, he'll be climbing to reach his dreams.

10 years ago was the perfect time for us to plant a tree, and I am so glad we did. This brings me much joy!


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