Much More Than a Dinner

     Lately, I have been giving much thought to our prison system in general, and the lives of ex-offenders in particular. I didn't really seek out to gain knowledge about this topic as much as it sought me out. A book entitled "Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline" edited by Sophia Bahena et al kept popping up in articles so I checked it out of the library. I had never heard of such a pipeline and I wanted to know more. Then, a friend recommended I read "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander, a book that deals with our current prison system and the lives of ex-offenders. I'm not going to give a book review or a re-cap, but I do recommend both books, and that they be read together. However, I will say that before I read these two books, I gave little thought to ex-offenders and what their lives are like: shut out of opportunities because of their record, they never really stop repaying their debt to society. Ineligible to vote, unwanted by most employers, and unable to qualify for government help, many of them flounder and end up back in prison.

     But what could I do to help? I'm just a housewife with 7 kids and, most days, more than I can handle. What could someone like me possibly do? But then, one more thing dropped into my lap, seeking me out, showing me there was something I could do.

     There's a new restaurant in town: Edwins. It's a fancy French place, with lovely china and silver and a wonderful ambiance. Candlelight, soft music, servers in bow ties that cater to your needs, not to mention food that fills your soul as well as your stomach, all come together for a wonderful dining experience. Jay and I recently celebrated our anniversary there, and it was a meal to remember. How does this tie in with the beginning of the blog, you ask? Well, most of the employees are ex-offenders and you can read more about it here. This is a local business dedicated to helping ex-offenders re-enter society by giving them training and support and a job.

     So many times we want to help those less fortunate, and we complain about the sad state of affairs of our society, and we think another government program might be the answer. But here is a way you can help and be part of something that is making a huge difference in the lives of many people (and have a great dinner to boot!) Edwins is a great restaurant, and indeed, it could stand alone on that merit. But it is so much more than that- it's a pipeline of a different kind; one that is changing people's lives and giving them a second chance to succeed in our society. If you are longing to help folks down on their luck, put your money where your mouth is, and go out to eat at Edwins. We could be persuaded to meet you there and enjoy dinner with you!


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