Rocking Chair

     I have a long list of things to do today, as usual, but as I rushed down the stairs, the 2 year old stopped me. "Mommy, I want to hold you. Let's sit in the rocket (rocking chair)." I groaned inwardly at this delay, but her sweet face was too much to resist. So we snuggled into the rocking recliner and proceeded to rock.  "Louder, Mommy, louder." She wanted me to rock fast enough so she could hear the squeak of the chair. Curled up tight in my lap, she rested her head on my chest and we whiled away the minutes. Crumbs on the breakfast table and the living room a mess; but who cared? Dishes in the sink and school needing to be started; but what of it?
     That chair has about a million miles on it. We bought that chair when we had our first baby, and it has always been the nursing chair when there was a newborn in the house. It's the chair I used to soothe fussy children; I have slept in the chair many a long night with a new baby.  It's still used to snuggle in to read books to small children or to put up my feet when I need a break. I just don't know what I would do without that chair. I even gave it away to a friend when I thought I was done having children, but she really couldn't use it and gave it back. I had two more kids after that. I think that chair and I were meant to be together!
     So my baby and I sat and rocked and watched the birds at the bird feeder and whispered to each other and the world just had to wait for us. And it was still there waiting when she announced she was off to do something else: she ran off to play and I got back to work. I guess she just needed a few minutes of peace and quiet and love. I guess I did too. Thank you, Lord. You knew just what I needed.


  1. When the chair finally dies, I will join you for its interment. I cried when mine went to the curb this year, after 23 years of faithful rocking.

  2. I'm thinking of tying it together somehow to keep it from falling apart. That should look really nice. :)


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