Coupons and Feeding a Big Family

OK, so It's time for me to confess something. I know many people assume this about me, but it's just not true. I do not use coupons. I know, it's crazy, what with all those hungry children to feed, and living on one income, but there it is. Once in a while I look through the coupons that come in the paper, but then I soon remember why I don't use them. Hair products: I have time to wash my hair with really cheap shampoo (no coupon needed) and maybe dry it. Maybe. Personal care products: Who needs pink razors when your husband's is always handy and sharp? Any other product I can buy in a gallon size at the local warehouse club. Except for deodorant and toothpaste, which do not come in a handy gallon size, so I sometimes use coupons for those. Boxed items: Even with a great coupon, you could make it yourself much more cheaply. Plus, most stuff that comes in a box isn't good for you anyway. But I do buy crackers and pretzels- the really dry, boring ones. ...