Kima, or Beef Curry

I love one-pot meals; throwing a bunch of ingredients into one container and then letting it simmer just feels so right to me. Here is a simple and cheap dinner that's really popular at our house. I have tweaked this to suit our tastes, but the original recipe came from the More With Less cookbook, a book I highly recommend.

This is a big recipe, feeding the 9 of us with some leftovers, so you will have to tailor it to the size of your family, or invite someone to dinner.

Brown 1&1/2 pounds of ground beef with 3 sliced onions and 3 crushed or minced cloves of garlic. When the meat is cooked, add 4 or 5 diced potatoes, salt to taste, and 3 tablespoons of curry powder. Now, I have to insert here that I do not like any curry powders that I have tried in the stores, so I make my own, and I must say, it is divine. I will include the recipe for it at the end.

Add 3 diced tomatoes, or a large can of diced or plum tomatoes (canned tomatoes hold up better in this recipe, but this time I had tomatoes that needed to be used up). Let the pot simmer until the potatoes are done. Cook up enough rice for your family; I use about 3 dry cups of rice in my rice cooker. This all takes about 30 minutes or so. Plenty of time to clean up your mess, and sit down with a glass of wine or a cup of hot tea.

Throw in a cup of peas; turn the pot off and cover. Set the table and call the kids to dinner. By then the peas are warmed up but not mushy.

Serve with pita or naan bread and yogurt. This meal has meat, vegetables, dairy and starch all in one dish!

Curry Powder:

3 Tablespoons coriander
4 teaspoons turmeric
1 1/2 teaspoons cumin
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper or cayenne
1/2 teaspoon cardamom
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cloves (powdered)
1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger

Mix well and store in an airtight container. Lasts indefinitely, but I wouldn't know; I use it up within a few months because it is so delicious.


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