Molten Chocolate

Here's a gooey, rich, chocolatey dessert that's quick to fix and easy to clean up since you only need one bowl to mix it in. Alas, it disappears quickly too.

Heat the oven to 425.

Grease 4 or 5 custard cups or ramekins (approximately 8 ounce size). Place them on a cookie sheet.

In a 6 cup microwave bowl, melt 1 stick of butter and 1/2 cup chocolate chips in the microwave for 1-2 minutes on high. Stir.

Add 1 cup sugar (I use 1/2 cup xylitol, scant 1/2 teaspoon stevia, and a tad more than 1/4 cup regular sugar.) Stir.

Add 2 eggs and 2 egg yolks. Stir.

Add 1/4 cup flour. Stir.

Pour into cups and bake 13 minutes. Remove from oven and invert the cups onto dessert plates. Let cool and wait for the chocolate to fall out of the cups. You may have to loosen the sides
with a knife.

Hopefully, the chocolate will be a bit runny, but if not, I'm sure you can choke it down. Top with whipped cream or serve with a side of ice cream; you may as well go all the way because you are already in trouble with this dessert.


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