Just Starting Out

Sometimes I get so caught up in home educating my teenagers and middle school kids, I forget what it was like when I was beginning. It was all so overwhelming and there were so many choices for curricula and methods of teaching, and was I doing it right? But once in a while I talk with someone just starting out or considering home education, and I have to pause and remember those early days. Having graduated one student already and with more on the way, home educating a kid under 10 seems so easy to me. But it doesn't seem easy to a mom whose head is spinning from anxiety and confusion just at the thought of home education. She is full of self-doubt and she is, admittedly, inexperienced. But she was just as inexperienced when she welcomed her first child into her life, and if she is honest with herself, that has worked out OK so far.

So I want to speak to that woman, and if this describes you, then listen. You can do it. You are a mother. Mothers are strong and can think on their feet, and they love their children as nobody else can. If a mom wants something for her children she will move heaven and earth to see it done. And if her husband has her back and staunchly supports her and helps her when he can, then not much can stop her. Will she make mistakes? Of course. Will she get tired? Certainly. Will she want to give up and send them to school? Yep. Will she feel like a failure? Sometimes. Will the demands of life get in the way? Yes, but sometimes those are great teaching moments in a child's life. Will she have to get on her knees and lift up her children and her efforts to God? You bet.

But there is another side to all this. Will she get it right? More often than not. Will her children inspire her and encourage her? Oh, yes.  Will she succeed? Many times. Will she catch a long term vision of home education and develop a determination that surprises even herself? Most likely. Will her prayers be heard and will God bless her efforts? Maybe not in the way she expects, or when she expects them, but the blessing do come.

Practically speaking, keep it simple, mom. Academically, your young children need just a few things: to read voraciously (or be read to- kids of all ages enjoy that) a wide variety of materials, and to be proficient in mathematics. The rest of the subjects rely on mastery in one or both of these two areas. This will take up a few hours (2-3 maximum) a day. Slowly add in other subjects as you gain confidence, and as your children seem ready. Let the younger ones just listen in on and watch them catch what you are doing with the older ones. You and your children are in this together. Spiritually, your kids need to just be with you, to soak up your presence in their lives; they need you to search their hearts and help mold their character. If you have won over your children's hearts, you can teach them anything; and if you have encouraged them and equipped them at a young age, they will be teaching themselves before you know it.

I am open to helping anyone considering this journey, whether by praying for you or offering advice, sharing what materials I use, or just being a shoulder to cry on.

You can do it. With God, all things are possible.


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